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OP Jovem | “Somos nós quem decide!”

With an average participation of 51%, the voting is finished in the second edition of the Participatory Youth Budget of Cascais. In European Youth Capital year and after a pilot edition with only four schools, students from 14 schools in Cascais were called upon to decide on projects to improve their educational establishments as well as the community.


The school with the highest turnout was the Basic and Secondary Matilde Rosa Araújo, in S. Domingos de Rana, where 73% of the students voted. Although lower, the average participation of 51% of the school population involved (13,000) reflects the interest of young people in the process of participatory citizenship.


"They are motivated and involved. This is very important for us because we are training new citizens ", explains Joana Pinto Balsemão, citizen councilwoman adding:" The proof that we are on the right track is the fact that the jury of the Good Practices of Participation in Portugal award to OP Jovem Cascais the highest grade of all projects at national level (88.87 points) ".


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