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Pegada n'Areia on Tamariz Beach

Today in the morning, the Tamariz beach received another activity from the Pegada n'Areia project. This project is part of the Maré Viva summer volunteer program and aims to develop environmental, prevention, information and public health activities on the beaches of the municipality of Cascais.

Today's activity took place with the support of Nuclio, an institution created in 2001 by professional and amateur astronomers and aims to disseminate and teach science, in particular astronomy and astrophysics, being a reference in the medium that is dedicated in Portugal, to activities of scientific dissemination, teacher training and research in the introduction of new technologies and methodologies in the classroom.

With experts in areas such as the Solar System, Interstellar Medium and Star Formation, Black Holes, General Relativity and Cosmology, Galactic Structure, Active Galactic Nuclei and Nuclear Astrophysics, this morning the kids from some schools in the area were learning more about the System Solar, the size of the planets and even had the opportunity to see the sun through telescopes when the clouds allowed.

Stay tuned to our social networks to know when the activities are taking place and what are the next activities of Pegada n'Areia.