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Forum of Resources of the Municipal Council of Cascais for Education

It was during the morning of this day that the III Cascais Resources Forum for Education 2018 was held in the Fort of Santo António da Barra. The main objective of the event was to bring schools closer together and give them to know everything that is done in the county for the benefit of young people and their formation.

Aimed at the Educational Community of the municipality of Cascais and above all for members with coordination functions at various levels (departments, cycles and public, private and solidarity educational establishments), the Forum aimed at informing schools of all educational resources that the Chamber at your disposal. During the morning several information sessions were held, explaining how to access these resources.

Present was Carlos Carreiras, Mayor of Cascais, who pointed out that young citizens are the responsibility of the municipality and, therefore, the municipality must give them the tools to become the adults of the future. "That competent, more capable, more creative young people are capable of transforming the world, even if they are not from one day to the next."

Frederico Pinho de Almeida, councilor of the House for Housing and Social Development, Health Promotion and Education, mentioned that the Chamber has invested in various modalities of school passes so that all young people have the possibility to go quietly to school, despite of being further away from school or having monetary difficulties.

The event also had several actions, among them one dedicated to Space S and the promotion of Talent, given respectively by Ana Lisa, Sara Silva and Filipa Castro Henriques.

This is how your teachers will know about all the initiatives that interest you! Pay attention.