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Natura Observa Edição especial de Natal

During this week Peninha received a lot of "young blood", 16 volunteers spent the morning in the recovery of burnt areas of the Natural Park of Sintra-Cascais, under the post-fire action plan developed by the Municipality of Cascais!

With a totally new project the SALAMANDRA young people were part of the recovery of the burned areas.
Areas that are subject to a greater risk of erosion or biological invasion have been identified, and manual interventions using natural engineering techniques are recommended for these sites and can be implemented with the support of teams of volunteers.

The mornings were very lively by the mountain and everyone was happy to participate in this initiative.
Traditionally the Natura Observes program only works in the summer, but this special edition of Christmas with a solidarity cause touched the heart of the young cascalences that joined and came to treat the park that is also theirs!

Thank you to all the young people.