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Valentine´s Day

When we fall in love with someone and give ourselves to this relationship, we wish with all our might that it be forever. We want that feeling to last forever. And it's so good that it does!

When we are in a loving relationship, there are signs that you should be aware of.

The problem is that at first they are subtle and often for you it is difficult to identify. They often start with control, trying to stop their partner from having their everyday lives, and then escalating into ever more serious situations. In other words, violence often begins because it is psychological: blaming, insulting, criticizing, then evolving into social violence: controlling the way of dressing, appearing unexpectedly in public places where the partner can be, controlling the messages and social networks, physical violence: death threats, life threatening, injuries that need medical treatment and in some situations, sexual as well. Girls suffer more from dating violence but also practice it on boys. There is only one type, the sexual one, in which there is clearly a big difference, the more they are victims and they are the aggressors. 7% of girls admit to having unwanted sexual behaviors and 6% confess to having been forced to have sex.

In less than a year, the Observatory on Dating Violence received 128 complaints, 34 in 2018. 90.6% of complaints relate to psychological violence, which can be explained by the fact that almost all other forms of violence are always accompanied by this form of aggression. Of the 128 cases reported, 77 were awarded by the victims and 51 by witnesses.

There is a great resistance to asking for help, which makes you have to deal with this situation yourself.

Believe in Love.

He exists! Do not lose the belief that there are happy endings [even old ones].

Do not give up on the first, or the second, or the third. Relationships are built and love is also.

It is not because you feel an uncontrollable chemistry for that person who will turn into Love. Love happens when you give up looking, when you realize you can go wrong, that you can forgive. When you feel it gives a lot of work but worth every second of effort.

When you discover that that hug is your home, you discover what Love is.

Therefore, respect each other, love each other, be honest, have confidence in the person you love, freedom without invading the space of the other, support each other and do not forget that conflicts and disagreements solve on the basis of negotiation and search for solutions.