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Arraial De Santo António | 2019
12th to 15th june 2019
Mercado da Vila de Cascais

Arraial de Santo António is coming and will take place in the traditional market of Cascais from 12th to 15th June, 2019.

Between 12th and 15th June have fun with us, eat sardines and celebrate the popular saints in Cascais.

The essence of the organization of this event is to follow a Sustainable path:

- Elimination of disposable plastic;

- Use of public transport over individual transport;

- Acquisition of an Eco Cup (1€). At the end of the event you can return the glass in exchange for the money invested in the purchase of the same;

- Much of the food is locally sourced;

- Encouraging consumption of tap water rather than the use of plastic water bottles;

- Vases of basil biodegradable.

This year we have 21 participating associations, among them: scouts, youth associations, among others.

Know more about what awaits you here