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O Mar Começa Aqui | Atenção ao que atira para o chão

O mar começa aqui | Atenção ao que atira para o chão


In the coming days your environmental awareness will be (once again) put to the test. No one will be indifferent to the campaign "The Sea starts here" that is already on the streets to sensitize the population not to throw waste of any kind into the gutters. It is that any garbage placed there almost always ends up in the sea polluting what we want to safeguard.

Did you know that everything that ends up on the floor is carried - by rain, wind, or washes - to a gutter or sink? Did you know that this is the fastest way to pollute the sea? Few people are aware, but gutters and sinks, created to channel rainwater to prevent flooding in urban areas, are linked to a rainwater drainage that drains directly into the streams and then into the sea.

This is the case of beatas, papers and water of various types of washes, containing detergents and even waste from works, such as paints and solvents. There are even those who believe that when you put this waste in the gutters you are cleaning the public road. But not. It's polluting the sea. Dispose of the waste in appropriate places such as sewage (wastewater) and waste bins, recycling paper, bottles, plastic containers, lids, beads, etc. whenever possible.

Know more here.