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Órgãos Interinstitucionais

Órgãos interinstitucionais


Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT):
The emergency response team (CERT) has been in full operation since September 2012.
The CERT team is responsible for helping to manage threats to the EU institutions' IT systems, supporting the IT security teams of each EU institution and ensuring liaison with their public sector counterparts in EU countries.

European School of Business:
The European School of Business was established on 10 February 2005 to provide vocational training in specific areas to community employees. The courses are open to officials from all EU institutions, thus contributing to the dissemination of common values, promoting better understanding between officials of the institutions and achieving economies of scale. The school works closely with the training departments of all institutions to avoid duplication of efforts.

Publications Office:
The full name of this body is the Publications Office of the European Union. It is the publisher of the EU institutions, responsible for publishing and distributing, on paper or in digital format, all official publications of the European Union.

European Personnel Selection Office of the European Communities:
The European Personnel Selection Office of the European Communities (EPSO) started its activities in January 2003. Its mission is to prepare competitions and examinations to select and hire staff for all the institutions of the European Union, which is more the organization of recruitment competitions by each institution. Its annual budget is around EUR 21 million, or 11% less than what the EU institutions spent on recruitment.