Welcome to the European Youth Week 2019!
From 29 April to 5 May, events will take place across Europe under the theme "Democracy and I", with the aim of analyzing how young people can influence decisions and be active in society.
This year is the year of elections and for that reason the theme of the SEJ 2019 is democracy, and the impact you have on the functioning of it.
What happens between election periods is also important for the development of a democracy: volunteering, talking to policymakers, or making themselves heard in another way, to draw attention to issues that are important, whether they are climate change or youth unemployment.
Democracy is a value we take for granted, but in Europe it was necessary to develop and cultivate it for years. Democracy is us. These are our voices. This is our achievement. It's you.
But what, after all, is the European Youth Week?
Every two years, the European Commission, through the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture, in collaboration with the European Parliament, and with the support of all other European and local bodies such as the national Erasmus + , through the Eurodesk network, promotes the European Youth Week as a vehicle for celebrating and promoting youth activities through events organized in all Erasmus + countries.
In addition to the promotion of activities at local and national level, there are also events at European level.
Activities will be organized at national level; the European Youth Week will bring together young people, project participants, youth organizations and policy makers at a European event held in Brussels in the European Parliament.
In Cascais we are promoting a series of initiatives in this field, namely in the Faculties School of Health of Alcoitão (ESSA), School of Hospitality and Tourism of Estoril (ESHTE) and Nova SBE (Carcavelos).