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Porta 65 | Arrendamento jovem

The Porta 65-Jovem Program is a system of financial support for isolated young leasing, consisting of households or cohabitation regulated by a set of legal diplomas.

This program supports the young lease of housing for permanent residence by assigning a percentage of income amount as a monthly grant.

Who can apply for this program?

  • Young people aged 18 or over and under 35 years old.
  • Young people living in cohabitation aged 18 or over and under 35 years old.

In the "young couple" type of aggregates one of the couple's elements can be up to 37 years old, and the other element up to 35 years (it is understood that in the limit one young person may be 36 years old and the other young person 34 years old).
A "young couple" household does not need to be married or live together.

The aim is to ensure greater equity and efficiency of public support for youth leasing.

According to Decree-Law no. 43/2010, of April 30, the main changes to the access regime are as follows:

  • it is now possible to submit applications during the first year of work (previously it was necessary to declare one year of income and now only six months of work);
  • it is no longer necessary to present a lease, and the existence of a contract-promise is sufficient (it being accepted that the conclusion of the final contract can take place after the decision to grant the support);
  • it becomes easier to have a sufficient income to benefit from Porta 65 because social supports - maternity and unemployment benefits - as well as scholarships and prizes for cultural, scientific and sport activities are considered in the candidate's gross monthly income;
  • there is no longer a requirement for a minimum income threshold: it is sufficient for a young person to meet the minimum effort required to apply for the Program (income must be equal to or less than 60% of their income);
  • the amount of support increases for those who live in historical areas and rehabilitation and urban redevelopment, for those who have children or disabled people in charge;
  • the beneficiaries of the program may change their homes without losing the right to state support, that is, a change of residence is allowed throughout the support period, as well as interruption and return to the program depending on the individual decisions of the applicants.

Each year four phases of application take place. The dates are announced in the agenda highlight in the Youth Portal and the Housing Portal.

Before applications are formalized, candidates must:

  • confirm that the residence address registered in the Finance is the same as the leased house. If not, they should update it;
  • already have the IRS declaration for the previous year regarding the application submitted in the Finance;
  • have a password for the delivery of electronic declarations, obtained from the financial services or through the website
  • have personal email.

NOTE WELL - Avoid the last hours of the deadline for applications to avoid congestion.
Do not forget to "Submit the Application" so that it can be analyzed. It is not enough to "Save the Application".
| For more information and submission of applications |
1 - Applications are submitted exclusively through the Internet in the Housing Portal.

2 - In the following places you can obtain support and clarifications for the presentation of the applications:
Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, I.P. and Line 808 100 065
Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, I.P. (JA Point Shops and Youth Line


Data required for the application:

Fiscal Identification Number (NIF);
Date of birth;
Marital status;
Article and fraction of the matrix of the leased property;
Date of conclusion of the contract;
Value of monthly income;
Leased housing typology;
NIB bank account;
Social Security Identification Number (NISS);
Percentage of disability (in special cases);
Possess email account.

Documents required for the application:

Contract of lease or contract-promise of lease;
Last receipt of income or other proof of payment;
Identification documents (Identity Card or Citizen's Card, birth certificate) of the young household;
Proof of income;
Proof of income of the ancestors (optional);
Proof of the degree of disability (if any);
Proof of special location (if any).

How to submit the application (via the Internet) and obligatorily digitized documents

The presentation of paper documents is replaced by the annexation, in the process, of the scanned documents, in accordance with the following rules:

The documents must have, necessarily, the PDF format;
Each document must correspond to a single PDF (ex: lease with several pages corresponds to 1 PDF);
It should have a maximum of 200 dpi;
It should be A4 format;
The documents should be in black and white.

Important information for applications

  • The applications are submitted, exclusively, through the website
  • The submission and consultation of applications will be done by typing your NIF and your access password obtained through the Finance Portal. (You must be a registered user of the Finance Portal, therefore, if you are not already registered, register here;
  • The tax address must be that of the leased house; if this situation does not occur, it is necessary to change it in Finance;
  • In each year, 4 application periods will be opened. The dates will be published opportunely in;
  • All beneficiaries can apply for Porta 65 - Jovem, on equal terms with the others;
  • Support may be requested from Lojas JA Ponto, from the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth.

Financial Support and Renewal Model
How long can you enjoy Porta 65 Jovem?

  The support is granted for periods of 12 months, and may have subsequent applications up to 60 months, followed or interpolated. Before completing each of the 12-month periods, you must apply again in the same period as the one in force:

If you are 35 years old or 37 years old, in the case of couples, during the period in which you receive the support you can still apply for up to 24 grants.