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Youth 2030: the United Nations Youth Strategy

António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, launched yesterday at a high-level event the United Nations in New York, the strategy of the organization for Youth.

This has achieved a world in which the human rights of every young person are realized, ensuring that each young person has the autonomy to reach their full potential and this recognizes the youth agency, resilience and its positive contributions as agents of change.

The Secretary-General has entrusted his Envoy on Youth, together with the United Nations system and the youth themselves, to lead the development of a UN Youth Strategy and the objectives are to expand global, regional and national actions to meet the needs of young people, realize their rights and exploit youth possibilities as agents of change.

This ambitious strategy will guide the UN system in enhancing support for the empowerment of young people. They will invest in areas such as sustainable development, peace and security and human rights (pillars of the United Nations system), which will consolidate the position of the United Nations as a global leader in engaging with youth.

Young people today want the world to be sustainable and peaceful, as it is idealized in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. In order to realize their aspirations they have to realize their rights of empowerment and development, participation and choice. Young people are the future, so they offer millions of reasons to be with them, in this day in which we celebrate the global Action Day of awareness for ODS - which were formally established three years ago!!

Know more here and let yourself be inspired by this wave that strengthens youth!